Join us for a delightful Little Baker Workshop! Immerse your child in a creative and immersive cupcake decorating class! Our cupcakes are pre-made ensuring your little one’s safety - let them enjoy the fun process of colour mixing, pipping and picking their favourite character macarons. Let’s have fun with colour theory and encourage decision making for our little bakers!
Launch Special: $30 / participant (The price shown will be tax included)
We will recommend the age between 3 -6 years old.
Please let us know if you have any food allergies or special dietary needs
* Reschedule Policy:
A maximum allowance of 1 rescheduling is allowed per booking only in emergencies. All rescheduling requests must be submitted 48 hours before the event. Any rescheduling submissions made within 48 hours may be subjected to a $15 fee. Please contact us directly at info@hazukido.ca
Failure of notice and failure to attend the event will result to non-refundable payment.
* Late Policy:
To ensure your child has the most positive experience, please ensure you are adhering to the workshop's punctuality guidelines. Hazukido reserves the right to turn away any participant who is 30 minutes or more late to the session. Please ensure you have scheduled in the weather and traffic conditions for the day of your session. The first 15 minutes of the session allow the participant to change into their little baker uniform and prepare to start their workshop. The workshops has a strict starting time to ensure all participants have enough time and attentiveness from our on-site baker to complete their creations. Please be respectful of such guidelines and the other participants of the session. Any tardiness will result to the participant joining the session at the existing stage of the lesson. In the event of any unforeseen emergencies, please call the store directly at 416-447-2465.